Photos by Helen

Helen Croghan

My African Violet finally bloomed on Valentine’s Day 2012! It took three years for it to bloom. It is one of my favorite house plants. After I downloaded the photo from my iphone, I found old photos I had taken while living in Washington, DC.

Helen Croghan's photo

I have always enjoyed the Washington museums in the Spring time. It is easy to use metro and walk from one end of the Mall to the other end. A couple of  years ago I happened to park near this beautiful sunflower garden just beside the National Museum of the American Indian on Maryland Avenue. You can see the Capital in the background. I remember thinking how odd it was to witness such beautiful flowers growing in a small garden near a busy intersection. I wonder how many people rush to get to the Smithsonian and miss the beauty along the way?

A closer look and a few more wild sunflowers from that garden…There is even a bee on the center of the flower.

Helen Croghan Photos (2) (480x640)                    Sunflower Bee

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